GDA bases its work around 04 strategic axes which serve as a basis and support to guide the work of the organization. These are: support to indigenous peoples and local communities, sustainable management of forests and other natural resources, climate change, training and capacity building.
Axis 1: Support for indigenous peoples and local communities
Green Development Advocates (GDA) intends to promote the respect and recognition of traditional rights and knowledge as well as the improvement of the livelihoods of local and indigenous communities around the objectives below:
Axis 2: Sustainable management of forests and other natural resources
For GDA, more participatory, equitable and objective management could be more effective, as could increasing the forest area, not to mention sustainable supply chain management. The objectives assigned to this strategic axis are as follows:
Axis 3: Climate change
To achieve this axis, GDA’s mission is to:
In order to succeed in this training and capacity building component, GDA has set itself four main objectives for the next three years, namely:
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